Dear Parents and Carers
This week, we commenced the Parent Interviews at St Bede’s with Kinder interviews and next week Years 1 to 6 will be conducting their interviews.
There have been some significant changes made this year by CE, to the reporting format. Individual student comments will not be used in the Semester 1 Reports. The Semester Report in this format encourages parent engagement and conversation about student learning. We want the report to be the entry point for parent-teacher interviews, where we can engage in genuine conversation about your child’s strengths, challenges, effort, and areas for growth. We encourage all our parents to make an appointment on the online Google form as dialogue is an important feature of reporting.
To assist all parents to understand the current report, below is a detailed explanation of what will be contained in the reports.
For Kindergarten students:
- Achievement in each subject will be reported using a four-point scale (Well Above Expectations, Above Expectations, Meeting Expectations and Working Towards Expectations).
For Year 1 to Year 6 students:
- Academic grades for each subject using a five-point scale from A-E will be reported using the NSW Common Grade Scale.
For all students:
- Strand Achievement will be reported in English, Mathematics, Human Society and its Environment, PDHPE and Creative Arts using a five-point scale (Excellent, High, Sound, Basic, Elementary).
- Engagement with Learning statements, which are taken directly from the Australian Curriculum, will provide specific information about your child’s Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Responsibility, using a three-point scale (Beginning, Developing, Consistently)
The new approach to Academic Reporting is a developing process. Further work will be undertaken in the coming months to determine how progress and achievement is best reported based on what we know to be important information about a student’s learning and progress.
This month we celebrate Catholic Schools across the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. St Bede’s have commenced the process of accepting online enrolments for 2022. We will be conducting an Open Day tour on Thursday, May 27 from 9:30am to 10:30am. If you are wanting a tour of the school but this time does not suit, please contact the front office to organise a suitable time. A child must turn 5 years of age by 31 July of the year of enrolment.
This week our Years 3 and 5 students participated in NAPLAN. It went of without a glitch due to the impeccable organisation of Mr Galvin, assisted by the Mrs Kilburn, Mrs Barling and Mrs Ryan.
Friday is National Walk Safely to School Day. We encourage all our students, where possible to walk to school and of course commute safely. If you live in town and usually drive your child to school perhaps you could all walk as a family?
We are extremely grateful to our parents who have volunteered to be class representatives. We are still seeking a Class Representative for Year 4. The job is not arduous it can be as simple as organising a gathering for Year 4 families at the park. If you think you could do this job, please contact the front office.
Have a lovely weekend
God Bless
Marylou Gorham
Change of Date
The students who participated in the Public Speaking Competition will present their speeches next Friday, May 21 at our morning assembly before the children all head off to the Athletics Carnival. Due to Year 5 children participating in NAPLAN testing, we have changed this date so everyone who participated can present their amazing speeches. Parents and grandparents of the children who participated in the speaking competition are most welcome to attend.