Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank You - Bunnnings BBQ and Raffle
Thank you to the parents and staff who were able to assist with the Bunnings BBQ last Saturday. Another great St. Bedes community event. Please also continue to support the Luxury Winter Raffle that has some fantastic prizes. Tickets available at the front office and drawn this Friday afternoon.
School attendance
Hopefully everyone enjoyed a the long weekend last week. When a long weekend approaches some families take the Friday off with the thinking "its only one day and doesn't really matter". Unfortunately post-covid this has become more of a common occurance. While a day here and there may seem to be a small matter absences quickly add up and can have a large impact on your child overall schooling.
At St. Bedes we are aware of the difficulty that some families have getting students to school and are exploring incitives that will encourage students to attend school. It is not a situation unique to St. Bedes, but is a concern across the country and has only been maqnified by the Covid lockdowns.
School photos
Next Tuesday 20th June St Bedes will have it school photos. Students should have recieved a personalised photo envelope with the details. With the building program we a pressed for space for the photos and should it rain next Tuesday we maybe unable to take class group photos.
There have been changes in relation to the reporting of NAPLAN results. From 2023, proficiency standards replace the previous numerical NAPLAN reporting bands and national minimum standards. Proficiency standards provide simple and clear
information on student achievement. They are set at a challenging but reasonable level expected for the child at the time of NAPLAN testing, based mainly on what
has been taught in previous years of schooling.
CEO Vinnie Sleepout
As mentioned I have been volunteered (thanks Ms. Cooper) to participate in this year CEO Vinnies Sleepout. If you are able to donate please do.
As always if you have concerns please contact your child's classroom teacher or myself. We work in partnership with you and are always happy to have a conversation and address any concerns.
Kind Regards
Mark Chifley
Acting Principal