Teaching and Learning

The Core Vision and Mission Statement - To Live, Love and Learn from the Heart of Jesus - is at the centre of our beliefs about teaching and learning. We believe that children and teachers need to be inspiring, challenging and nurturing one another to love learning and reach their potential.
St. Bede was a dedicated scholar and an inspiration for our school vision. Children and teachers are encouraged to continually reflect on themselves as learners and set challenging learning goals so they can reach their full potential. School systems and structures are arranged to support children to see themselves on a continuum of learning that extends beyond the school context. The staff at St Bede’s take pride in delivering an education that caters for a diverse group of learners in a rural setting. St. Bede’s delivers learning programs that guide all students towards independent work with support matched to individual learning needs. Teachers plan daily events and activities that are purposeful and aligned with the St. Bede’s Vision and Mission.

Teaching and Learning
At St Bede’s we program using the NSW Syllabus. Religious Education follows the Brisbane Diocese Religious Education Curriculum.
● Kindergarten to Year 2 teach InitiaLit (a synthetic phonics program)
● Year 3 to Year 6 follow the CECG Literacy Curriculum
● The Writing Revolution is used in Kindergarten to Year 6
● Year 3 - 6 are required to complete reading fluency daily
● Spelling Mastery is taught 4 days per week in Years 3-6 in ability groups
● Kindergarten to Year 6 follow the CECG Mathematics Curriculum
● Rocket Maths is run a minimum of 3 days per week in Years 2-6


What is Catalyst?

Catalyst encompasses the teaching and learning approach of the 56 schools within the Archdiocese, informed by the Science of Learning and Science of Reading. Catalyst supports teachers to deliver excellent learning opportunities for students through evidence-based teaching and high-quality resources. Through the support of Catalyst, each child is provided with the very best opportunity to learn and thrive in a positive, safe and supportive environment. 

The CACGEL goals for all schools are:

• Every child is a competent reader

• High Impact teaching Practice is evident in every classroom

Pedagogy-how we teach

Catalyst seeks to support teachers to embed evidence-based, High Impact Teaching Practice with access to ongoing professional learning and coaching to ensure optimal opportunities for student engagement and learning.

HITP includes:

• High expectations
• Explicit teaching
• Lesson structure
• Formative assessment and feedback
• Daily review
• Student engagement

Science of Learning

The Science of Learning summarises existing cognitive science research on how students learn and connects it to practical implications for teaching. Understanding how human brains learn can help teachers to employ more effective teaching methods.


System-wide assessment protocols and access to student data for teachers to inform their instructional decisions to ensure every student reaches their full potential.

Religious Education and Sacramental Program

At St Bede’s the Religious Education is woven into the daily life of the school through formal religion lessons. Christian values are integrated into all Key Learning Areas. The Religious Education Program is linked closely to the Parish to further the children's sense of belonging to their Parish family. Opportunities for experiencing prayer and celebrating liturgy are regularly provided for the whole school community.
Various Liturgical events are celebrated throughout the year. These include liturgies, Parish Mass every week , Lent, Easter, Advent, feasts of St. Bede, St Mary Mackillop and other days of significance. Parents and family members are invited to all Masses and Liturgies.

The Sacramental Programs for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are Parish based, family centred, school supported. A vital component in the preparations for the celebration of each sacrament is the involvement of parents.

The sacraments are celebrated in the following grades but students can participate in these sacraments at any age. If you are interested in the sacrament of Baptism, please contact the Parish Office.
Year 3: Reconciliation
Year 3: Eucharist
Year 5 and 6: Confirmation (every second year) Please contact Fr Sijo via the Parish Office on 48422444 or Shaye Cooper (Religious Education Coordinator) at St Bede’s School on 48422413, if you have any questions regarding your child’s sacramental journey.


The curriculum at St Bede’s School is directly aligned with the NSW Education Standards of Authority. The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) provides the curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 6. NESA supports student need and interest with a variety of courses in a range of learning areas.

The NSW Curriculum is structured as follows:

Primary Stages
• Early Stage 1: Kindergarten
• Stage 1: Year 1 and Year 2
• Stage 2: Year 3 and Year 4
• Stage 3: Year 5 and Year 6

Key Learning Areas
Key learning areas (KLAs) describe broad areas of learning. In NSW, syllabuses are developed within the following KLAs.
Primary (K–6)
• English
• Mathematics
• Science and Technology
• Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)
• Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
• Creative Arts

Physical Education and Science are taught by a specialist teacher. Information and Communication Technology skills is integrated across Key Learning Areas.

Classroom Support
Children who are experiencing difficulties with understanding concepts acquired in literacy and numeracy are provided with special group programs and targeted classroom support. Allied health services such as Speech Pathologists, Occupational and Physiotherapists work with our students to provide 1:1 support.

All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 participate in a Library lesson on a weekly basis. During these sessions, the children are emersed in literacy and have an opportunity to borrow books. The Library is open at lunch time for children to read for pleasure our participate in organised activities.
